Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Waiting

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. IT IS SO HARD TO WAIT!!! I just want to know my fate already--AM I IN OR NOT?! It's pretty much all I think about. I mean, I have so much to do and I hoped to get some of that accomplished a little early before school starts, but they don't even let us know if we're in until freakin' JULY and then we start at the end of AUGUST. I feel this is cutting it too close.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Nurse In training

I think when/IF I get into the program, I am going to buy myself this little hoodie that says "Nurse (In training)". It's funny.
I'll get Megan one too maybe for a congratulations gift, etc.

They also have shirts and underwear, haha.

Monday, May 29, 2006

To Do List

I have tons I need to accomplish before school starts, which is in 3 months. YIKES! The most important thing that needs to be done: GET INTO NURSING SCHOOL. I honestly feel like I will get in, hence this new blog. Boy, won't my face be red if I get rejected and I am left with this journal?:)

Need to:
-Find a good paying job
-Save money
-Get immunizations
-Get health insurance
-Take CPR course
-Buy uniform
-Buy nice stethoscope
-Review Anatomy/Physiology
-Buy a Drug Calculation book, do problems

That is all I can think of for now.
I've heard from a few sources that I should expect to dish out $900 in books alone for the first semester, oh man. That makes my heart sink right into my gut.
Despite the stresses over money, I am more excited about starting nursing school than almost anything that has happened in my life!
I think when I get my acceptance letter, I should throw a huge party. Also, I really hope my friend Megan gets in, so we can throw this party together. It would be so awesome to have someone with me through this whole process. However, I definitely want to make some lifelong friends if possible.
I think the most exciting part will be orientation. I, along with about 60 other students will finally get to see what we got ourselves into. I CANNOT WAIT!!


Hello and welcome to my new blog!:)
My name is Nicole and I'll be keeping this blog to chronicle the next 5 semesters through nursing school and beyond!

Please feel free to comment!