Friday, December 3, 2010

Learning my camera

My new Nikon D3000 arrived last night, so this morning I woke up like a kid on Christmas morning, eager to test out my toy.

Of course, the bag and special DVD that I bought is coming in a different package, so I am still waiting on that. As of right now, I've watched a few Youtube videos on DSLR cameras, but it's safe to say I'm pretty clueless. I don't want to rely on the auto setting. I can't wait to be a pro at the manual settings and adjusting everything...

Max has obviously been my subject today...

And then I went and got a much needed hair cut!

Here's a before, sans makeup...

 And after:

And took a walk through the park...

 "What is it that dies? A log of wood dies to become a few planks. The planks die to become a chair. The chair dies to become a piece of firewood, and the firewood dies to become ash. You give different names to the different shapes the wood takes, but the basic substance is there always. If we could always remember this, we would never worry about the loss of anything. We never lose anything; we never gain anything. By such discrimination we put an end to unhappiness."

Sri S. Satchidananda (The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda)


Susan said...

Ah, I love the pictures! I'm thinking about getting a DSLR too....the pictures are AMAZING. I went to a seminar at the local camera shop and they showed us how different pictures can look when you really know how to use a camera...the difference was amazing.

Robert said...

You truly are a beautiful person!

Best wishes with your new camera.

Raspberry Stethoscope said...

@nurse XY
Thank you!!