Saturday, September 5, 2009


So, I just realized that I am out of oatmeal for the morning. I eat oatmeal with peanut butter toast literally every morning for breakfast. Yeah. I'm boring, but it's like...I can't live without this combo.
The solution: overnight steel cut oatmeal in the mini-crock pot. Since I'm in dire need of grocery shopping...

as evidenced by this empty fridge...

"How embarrassing - a house full of condiments and no food" ingredients are quite limited. I literally have no fruit. But guess what I DO HAVE??? Yes, that's right, Amazing Grass Chocolate Green SuperFood Drink Powder!!! In a single packet!!

I tossed it in the crockpot with my oats, water, some vanilla, and cinnamon and I will let you all know the results of my hopefully tasty and nutritious breakfast. That or I'll go hungry because it tastes like ass...


LivingDeadNurse said...

holy's empty

holy crap...its soo clean