Monday, June 12, 2006

Kind of depressed.

I don't think I got that job. I mean, I felt the interview went well, but it's now Monday and no word. Maybe it's just too soon since my interview was on Thursday, but I don't know. I sent a thank you e-mail (because that was the only address HR would give me) the day of my interview. I am not sure what the protocol is, but I did not get a reply. I am not sure what I am supposed to do. Once it is a week, should I call? What should I say?
I wish someone would comment and help me!!
Meanwhile, I called the admin. assist. at the library about a job I applied for and I REALLY HOPE she calls me back. This is kind of my last hope until I begin hardcore searching for a stupid retail/cashiering job that I so desperately do not want to do again. SIGH.

Right now, tropical storm Alberto is unleashing the fury on my backyard. It's raining buckets.

I NEED A JOB!!!!:(