Saturday, June 24, 2006

Possible Schedule

So I was bored and I decided to see if any of the nursing classes are up on the class schedule. If these are correct, these are potential dates for my fall 2006 first semester nursing!

-Meets either:
M/R 4:30-6:20pm
T/R 8:30-10:20am

Fund. of Nursing
M 12:00-2:50

There are a bunch of different times for each hospital, but I am hoping for one hospital (there are 6 to choose from though) in particular, so here is a possible day/time:
W 6:30am-2:20pm AND F 7:30am-9:50am

Physical Exam/Assessment:
R 12:30-2:20

There is also a lab for the physical exam class, but the dates are TBA!

If these are correct, I would like my schedule to look like this for the fall:
Fundamentals 12:00-2:50

Patho 8:30-10:20am

Clinical 6:30am-2:20pm

Patho 8:30-10:20
Physical exam/assessment 12:20-2:20

Clinical 7:30-9:50am

Of course, I may not get that clinical, but no matter where I go, I will definitely have W at that time, but Friday could be different depending on this. Also, there is that other lab somewhere?
Anyway, I don't know how correct this is, but it was fun to pretend. I'd like to get my classes as early as possible. At least that way I will have the rest of the day to study. Also, my boyfriend and I would like to pick one day where we hang out and focus on our relationship, so it would be nice if we could do Friday or Saturday.