Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 15: work, yoga

Greetings! Quick post before bed because I am exhausted. My day begins at 4am and ends at 6:00pm. That is a looooong day. And it isn't 12 hours spent behind a desk, but 12 hours on my feet, providing care to critically ill patients; it is emotional, stressful, and PHYSICAL: turning, pulling patients twice, triple my size. Holding them up to clean, etc. It's a hard day's work, for sure.

This evenings yoga was all about relaxation and releasing of my lower back. I woke up this morning sore from the ashtanga yoga, especially my arms and between my shoulder blades--upper back, and lower back.

I completed only sitting and laying poses, lots of spinal twists, and this:

Viparita Karani

25 minutes.

Followed by a 15 minute guided meditation on desires and achieving goals.

and now I'm going to the ultimate savasana, haha!


Ang said...

I love floor poses when I'm exhausted! They are so relaxing! Nursing is hard work for sure, my favorite cousin is a new nurse too!